My Assurances

My Personal Guarantee & Assurances

I give my personal assurances and guarantee that I offer very discreet, confidential, safe secure, erotic sensual full-body Tantric Yoni massage therapy treatments for all my discerning female clientele as your appointment and time spent with me with me will always remain very private between us both.

Your comfort zones, personal boundaries, safety and security are all paramount thus being very important to me and will always be observed to allow you full relaxation within a safe space to enjoy the sense of excitement or sexual arousal with your massage treatment.

I would like to assure you for your peace-of-mind that I do not retain telephone numbers, emails or keep any records of appointments or home addresses when I visit you and I never contact you unless requested to do so before or after an appointment always respecting your personal privacy.

As I mainly offer a mobile massage service visiting you at your home or hotel room, then perhaps you might be worried about the discretion of inviting me into your inner sanctum and personal space so to speak. 

I would therefore offer the following thoughts or mind-set to assuage any doubts and to further re-assure you of my professionalism as a fully-trained, reputable massage therapist in that I also offer regular, holistic therapeutic Swedish massage therapy and relaxing massage treatments to my female clients via another website.

So perhaps you could view your erotic sensual Tantric Yoni massage appointment with me as just being an appointment for a genuine holistic therapeutic deep-tissue Swedish massage or relaxing soft-tissue massage, but a massage that will lead to a very happy ending if this makes sense and helps to alleviate any doubts in your mind regarding inviting me to your home.

I am in fact a fully-trained massage therapist who also provides a wide range of holistic massage therapy treatments for women.

I provide massage therapy treatments for general wellness, health and well-being.

I provide gentle soft-tissue massage, holistic full-body massage, holistic bodywork, Lomi Lomi massage, massage for stress, massage to ease tension, massage for pure pampering indulgence, pampering massage, relaxing reviving revitalising rejuvenating full-body massage and therapeutic Swedish Massage for women and my female clients.

My main speciality is to provide relaxing full-body massage and pampering massage therapy treatments for ladies and my female clients

However I am also able to offer / provide firm massage treatments given with deeper, firmer strokes upon request, but I must state for the record that I am NOT trained in deep-tissue or sports massage therapy and if you do choose to book me to give a firm massage, then it would be more in the style of a therapeutic Swedish massage given with a firmer, deeper touch to suit your invididual needs and personal preferences.

I provide on-site, seated massage for corporate ladies and for women in the office workplace.

I can also provide massage therapy treatments for a hen party, hen parties, a pamper party, pamper parties, parties of women, ladies of leisure, ladies who lunch, ladies' parties, female parties, celebrations and events.

As you will have now derived when visiting this particular website, I am also able to offer and provide a deeply relaxing, sensually soothing, erotic sensual style of massage which is universally known as Tantric massage and this sensual style of Tantra inspired full-body massage therapy and erotic sensual bodywork can also be viewed as being holistic and therapeutic for women and can also include Yoni massage for my more discerning female clientele.

You can read more about my holistic massage therapy treatments for women if you visit the Holistic Massage link within the main menu / header section.

I always incorporate holistic therapeutic massage therapies with erotic sensual Tantric Yoni full-body massage so that my clients have the best of both worlds with the perfect pampering package for their appointments with me.

Paying a fee for my professional, erotic sensual massage services often assuages the guilt that some women may feel if they seek an affair or to meet a complete stranger instead for an affair with erotic encounters or playful sexual fun on a sleazy dating website, especially if they are in a current relationship with a partner.

The women booking my massage services tend to view or reconcile booking their erotic sensual massage treatment equivocating to any other appointment such as seeing an holistic therapist, personal trainer, life coach or any other similar scenario.

The mindset for the ladies booking my own massage services with a personal, professional detachment ensures that the massage remains free of emotional attachment and romantic entanglement thus allowing women to completely "relax" in the knowledge that the erotic encounter will always remain a totally discreet, confidential, safe, secure professional erotic sensual massage service, yet you can still enjoy the element of eroticism, charge of electricity with excitement.

The fact that I am also a fully-trained, professional massage therapist seems to validate their reasons for booking my sensual services too in the secure knowledge that all my erotic sensual massage services will always remain with personal boundaries, limit and comfort zones.

I have total respect for women and for all my female clients, so I will always stay within our pre-arranged boundaries ensuring that you feel totally at ease, comfortable, safe and secure in the knowledge that you can trust me to observe all your boundaries, comfort zones and limits, also knowing that you can stop the session at any time giving you equal control over the entire session.

In fact, I am sometimes asked by women how I mange to "keep control" and stay focused myself to maintain my professionalism when giving an erotic sensual massage if I am aroused or get turned on with a client and the simple, honest, truthful answer is that I just do and manage to keep it all cool even when things are getting hot.

"Keeping control" means not going too far crossing any boundaries or comfort zones as opposed to any reference to ejaculation.

I always excercise complete self-control during all my massage therapy treatments.

I can still dominate you during the massage and take control being your guide, but at least you are assured of the fact that I am also in control of my sexual libido and arousal not allowing my feelings or arousal to go too far beyond your comfort zones.

Of course, there are women booking my services who do want me to take control with their permission and to dominate them with my consensual services and with the guidelines firmly in place before we meet, but of course there will also be many women who feel very nervous about booking me or the chance that I might go too far beyond their own comfort zones and personal boundaries, so I have to be very careful and make sure that I "get it right" with each and every individual client and please believe me, I always do.

Some women booking my erotic sensual massage services will want to go "further" than others, so it is just a matter precaution, care, attention and dialogue with communication to discern what women want when they book me.

Please remember, my services are all you YOU and NOT me.

You can read more details about myself within my website if you take the time to peruse all the information at your leisure when you have the chance to explore my website in full.

I have tried to second guess or to answer all your possible questions within my website having the benefit of a vast wealth of experience and I also acknowledge that I may tend to repeat myself in other sections, but of course I am still very aware that you will be feeling naturally nervous and will have so many more questions that you wish me to answer or things that you would like me to confirm with you, so I invite all genuine ladies who are interested in my services to call me for a friendly chat when I will answer all your questions as honestly and truthfully as I can and with absolutely NO obligation to make an actual appointment booking.

My real name is Simon and I am a mature, English, fully-trained, professional, independent, straight male massage therapist masseur aged in my 50's providing a wide range of intimate relaxing, holistic therapeutic, erotic sensual full-body massage therapy services using erotic sensual bodywork combined with happy-ending massage exclusively for women.

I do genuinely take personal pride in always providing a very professional massage service for women and I always have a duty of care towards all my discerning female clientele at all times during the appointment booking and our time spent together.

I am booked by many women on a regular basis and by ladies who are seeking their massage therapy treatments to be given by a professional male massage therapist masseur.

I have built up a very popular, discreet, confidential, reputable, honest, safe, secure, genuine, trustworthy business for both new female clients over the past 20 years as well as many repeat bookings from by loyal, regular female clientele.

I would never, ever dream of "going too far" with crossing any professional boundaries I give you my personal promise with absolute assurances that I am far too experienced and professional to ever "go too far" or to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable with transgressing over any pre-arranged boundaries that would contravene your limits and go beyond your own personal boundaries / comfort zones during your massage appointment / session with me.

I always remember one massage session with a very attractive, mature lady in her mid-fifties who booked me to give her an erotic sensual massage several years ago, but who was also very happily married to an older man who had lost interest in sex and no longer had any interest in giving her sexual stimulation or sexual fulfillment within thier marriage.

We spoke at length on the telephone prior to her first booking and we had both agreed the boundaries with her personal limits / comfort zones, she was very nervous when I invited her to visit me at my own personal home and we sat down just to relax and talk again before the massage session. 

She undressed until she was completely nude and lay on my massage therapy table / couch.

I also undressed and gave her the massage whilst I was also naked.

I began as I usually do with giving her an holistic, therapeutic full-body massage which became more relaxing during the course of her massage culminating in an erotic sensual Tantric Yoni massage.

She enjoyed an holistic therapeutic Swedish massage, deeply relaxing massage ending with erotic sensual Tantric Yoni massage.

She then had the most intense orgasm climax after just a few minutes of me giving her intimate Yoni massage.

She did actually beg me to fuck her as she then wanted to be fucked and for me to give her a good, sound, proper fucking after her erotic sensual Tantric Yoni massage.

However, I stopped the massage there and enabling us both to calm down, relax and to take control of the sexual situation and as we had both agreed on boundaries, comfort zones and her limits before the massage session which included no penetrative sex, then she was very grateful, comfortable and happy that we had both "calmed down" taken some deep breaths and taken back control of the massage session with me not trangressing over her sexual boundaries. 

She told me that she was very impressed with both my control and professionalism and that she would never have forgiven herself if we had ended up in bed with me fucking her as she would have felt she was being totally unfaithful to her partner, so she was totally happy and content that I had respected her boundaries and wishes throughout the entire massage session.

This has happened on several occasons and usually when a client has requested a non-sexual spanking and I have exercised complete control, but we are all human and some women do experience this reaction in the same way that some men may also have involuntary erections or even ejaculations of spunk with spurting / shooting semen when they are being massaged by a female massage therapist or perhaps having an erection and ejaculating hot cum when being intimately examined by a female doctor. 

I am also human and may experience some sexual arousal when proving my spanking services for women, but the reason that I have mentioned this aspect of my spanking services is to further assure my female clients of my professionalism at all times thus remaining in total, complete control during all my massage therapy sessions.

However, I must confess that after this particular spanking session, we did both end up completely nude in bed together after her arousal just to hold her in my arms for a cuddle, but instead of her being fucked, I ejaculated my spunk all over her very pretty face, neck and bare boobs and she throughly enjoyed being splattered with my hot cum / spurting semen as she lay there in a submissive state covered in spunk with my sperm dripping over her sexy nude naked body after her very erotic sensual full-body tantric yoni massage given by a male massage therapist masseur.

Her integrity was still intact as I did not fuck her and she had not performed any sexual acts on myself, but I did use my hand to take her to another intense, powerful orgasm at the very end of the session.

I always prefer to speak with a potential client before arranging an actual appointment booking to discern which type of massage therapy treatment you are seeking and to discuss all your personal boundaries when I am giving you your massage, therefore leaving no room for any error, misconception or misunderstanding before, during and after the massage therapy treatment.

I am always very professional / conscientious with my female clients and when I am booked by ladies who prefer their massage to be given by a male massage therapist masseur.

You can read about the discretion, confidentiality, safety / security guarantees and about my professionalism as both a person and as a professional male massage therapist masseur when reading through my website.

For ladies who are thinking about booking my massage services

My usual female clientele can range anything between circa 18 to 80 years of age, though ladies are usually over the age of 20.

Mature women and older, more elderly senior ladies of a certain age are most welcome to make contact with me and to book my erotic sensual massage therapy treatments.

I do hope that more mature ladies of a certain age do not find some the images of younger women intimidating as is just the way that it has worked out with photographing ladies to illustrate all my massage therapy treatments who are featured within my galleries and video films.

It has not been a conscious choice to just photograph or film women under the age of circa 45 as younger ladies have been more willing to be photographed and filmed as opposed to more mature women.

I am in fact currently seeking mature women between the ages of circa 45 to 70 who are happy, willing and comfortable to pose with me and for me as I would like some still photographic images portraying mature ladies and older women being massaged to enhance my respective websites to give mature women perusing my websites the confidence to book my select services.

Why do women book my erotic sensual massage services?

You need not be embarrassed by making contact with me seeking my massage services and there is absolutely nothing seedy, sleazy or tacky about booking me to give you further assurances and to assuage any embarrassment or guilt that you may have.

I hope I have addressed any fears, doubts or apprehension that you might have had before reading through my website and I can assure you that you are not alone in contacting me after perusing my website or searching for erotic sensual massage with a male massage therapist masseur on the internet as I am contacted on an almost daily basis by women just like yourself with similar needs and desires seeking the same services.

I am very conscientious when offering my massage treatments to women and this professional service based on a mutual level of trust with honesty and consistency offering you a consensual safe space to explore.

Ladies do not book me because they are feeling lonely or perhaps the fact they are not in a current sexual romantic relationship as they quite often invariably lead very busy lives with fulfilling, creative lifestyles and jobs.

Most women who book me just feel the need to enjoy massage to alleviate all the day to day routine hassles with a sensual erotic element entwined within the fabric of an holistic relaxing therapeutic genuine stress relieving massage treatment with something extra and sensually special to help unwind and to release any frustrating sexual tension without all the complications of romantic emotional entanglement.

Women just need to unwind and enjoy a slow seductive sensual massage and un-rushed, un-hurried erotic experience with a gentle, tender therapeutic touch.

Some women just book my massage services because they are naturally curious or intrigued and just wish or desire to experiment with receiving such a massage treatment remaining in a completely passive role so they can receive all the alluring attention.

Ladies will often enjoy the secret sexual fun fantasy that they are booking a professional male massage therapist masseur offering genuine massage treatments that will knowingly and consensually lead to an erotic sensual massage with a very happy ending and playful fun culminating in an intense sexual release with an intense mind-blowing, full-body orgasm and adrenaline rush with a powerful release of endorphins.

For women who are feeling apprehensive or nervous about trying erotic sensual massage with a male massage therapist masseur for the first time

I do realise and I do understand if you are feeling nervous, shy or apprehensive as I am very aware that it may a big step for some women to make initial contact with me, let alone to book an appointment with me.

Many women who do make contact with me tell me that they feel much more assured after perusing all the comprehensive details within my website and feel more comfortable or assured realising that there is nothing to feel ashamed of or that they are not alone in seeking such sensual services after reading all the information about my massage therapy treatments and my professionalism.

That fact that I am an experienced, fully-trained, professional massage therapist providing regular holistic, therapeutic massage therapies is also very reassuring for many women prior to booking an appointment or making contact with me giving credence with credibility and validation to me also offering erotic sensual massage for my more discerning female clientele.

I reiterate that we will discuss all personal boundaries, limits and comfort zones before we meet for massage so you feel more assured, relaxed and comfortable, also enabling us to get to know each other better prior to your massage appointment with me.

You can relax knowing that you are in very capable, caring hands, especially if this is your first foray in to booking a male massage therapist to give you a massage.

If you are feeling naturally nervous, shy yet curious and inquisitive about trying erotic sensual massage for the first time with a professional male massage therapist masseur, then my holistic relaxing therapeutic massage therapies may suit you to begin with as a separate appointment booking or as a prequel if you feel that you would like to slowly and surely integrate yourself into my more sensual style of erotic massage to enable you to feel more comfortable, relaxed and totally at ease.

You may just wish to dip your toe in the water so to speak and take it all very slowly with baby steps to begin with, so I can offer you a very erotic, sensual, relaxing, sensually soothing, full-body massage with silky strokes without actually massaging, touching or stroking between your legs in your genital / vaginal area and your massage can still be very sexually stimulating as well as erotic and sensual with massaging your entire body and erogenous zones.

I want you to feel totally assured, relaxed and comfortable before and during your massage treatment, thus enabling you to enjoy the entire erotic experience and to let go of your inhibitions allowing to you enjoy full sexual arousal, explore your sensuality, to release and let go to having a powerful, intense orgasm with your massage.

Having an holistic relaxing massage before your erotic sensual massage will enable you to completely relax, focus and let go of the outside world to concentrate on the sensual stimulation of your body, physical being and help to release your sexual energy (Kundalini) in a way that you may have never experienced in the past with a man or woman.

With all this in mind, I trust that my assurances have now given you the courage and confidence make contact with me in complete confidence to either discuss and explore your options with me or to make an actual appointment.

My Guarantee of Discretion, Confidentiality, Safety, Security & Respect for my Female Clientele

I will always respect you as a woman in all aspects taking care of you during your time spent with me and have total respect for the pre-arranged boundaries, thus remaining within your personal comfort zones at all times respecting any "do's and dont's" that we have discussed before your massage booking and appointment with me.

Although I am guiding you and leading you through your erotic sensual massage experience with total confidence, you will always remain in control of all that is happening to you for your comfort, safety and security.

My massage therapy treatments are all about you

My erotic sensual massage therapy treatments are all about YOU and your own needs or desires, so I would just like to make it clear from the outset stating for the record that some women enjoy my massage services without having any genital stimulation, personal / sexual intimacy, oral sex or complete nudity for both parties during massage which is absolutely fine and not a pre-requisite of my own or for the appointment by any means.

Many women do prefer to be completely passive and non-reactive during an erotic sensual massage.

I am always very conscious that the massage appointment and time is all about you, your own desires, needs or fantasy fulfillment and not my own desire or sexual needs, so I am always very careful and considerate to observe your wishes to stay within our pre-arranged boundaries.

It is NOT a pre-requisite for the lady being massaged to feel under any obligation whatsoever to perform any sexual acts on myself when I am giving the massage and my female clientele often prefer to remain in a passive state or passive role to just lie on the bed or massage table to receive pleasure and to derive her own sexual satisfaction from being treated to erotic sensual relaxing massage being massaged and pleasured by myself.

There is absolutely NO pressure at all to perform or an obligation to please me as the massage therapist masseur as this erotic experience with massage is all about YOU and your own personal pleasure and NOT about me taking or enjoying my own sexual pleasure.

It is about me giving to you and not taking from you as many women feel that their sexual relationships are very one-sided and all about the man taking his pleasure without giving to the woman, so this is your time to lie back and just enjoy the massage and the sexual pleasure that comes with erotic sensual massage culminating in your own very intense and powerful orgasm.

I do not expect or encourage a female client to perform any sexual acts on me and anything of this nature if always at her discretion, choice and volition.

Most women booking my massage services prefer to just remain passive and to let me touch and pleasure them with my sensual stroking, erotic sensual massage techniques, hands or with oral sex if so desired without feeling the need to reciprocate in kind and to then touch me or to pleasure me.

My Guarantee of Personal Hygiene & Cleanliness

I maintain a very active, fit, healthy lifestyle keeping fit each and every day and I am especially meticulous regarding my appearance having very high standard of personal hygiene and grooming combined with cleanliness.

My Sexual Safety Assurances & Guarantee of Sexual Hygiene

I would like to assure you that I take both our sexual safety and protection very seriously and responsibly as every aspect of our sexual safety and security is paramount.

Some ladies making an initial inquiry regarding my massage treatments or wishing to book my professional, erotic sensual Tantric massage services not only need reassuring about how private, discreet or confidential my services are as well as safe regarding personal safety, but also regarding how sexually "safe" my erotic sensual massage services are too.

So please do not worry or ever be embarrassed about asking me any questions that you might regarding hygiene which is totally understandable and natural as I would do so in your place too...

All the many lovely ladies that have ever booked my massage services are all lovely, discerning, upmarket, clean, middle class ladies who are both trusting of my services and trustworthy themselves. The ladies who tend to book my services are never, ever the more common or "slutty" types for want of better words.

This fact of course does not rule out that even the most upmarket, responsible or sexually conscientious of ladies could inadvertently "catch" something somewhere from someone even with just one innocent sexual, erotic encounter, however ALL my professional sexual activity has always been safe and protected.

In fact, I can state for the record that I have NEVER actually contracted an STD even with my private sexual liaisons with girlfriends long before offering my erotic sensual Tantric Yoni massage services as I am no angel myself, but taking responsibility being very conscientious myself regarding safe sexual health and I always maintain a very clean standard of hygiene in all areas "down below" myself.

I have never practiced any "unusual" or un-hygienic sexual activity even with my personal relationships always enjoying good healthy, adventurous sexy fun with ladies.

My Regular Sexual Health M.O.T & Check-Ups

I regularly volunteer and submit myself for regular checks at my local GU clinics circa four times a year including oral swabs and they do and have always proved to be negative of course. 

I am FULLY tested at least four times a year due to my own sense of well-being, combined with my own professional and personal responsibility to my clientele with a duty of care, as opposed to having the obligation to do so. I do not visit the GU clinics because I need to, but preferring to err on the side of caution because I want to.

I take a great amount of care with my own oral hygiene regularly brushing my teeth especially prior to an appointment and using a powerful mouthwash.

I would NEVER EVER put my own personal sexual health as well as my female clientele's sexual health at risk at any time, even in the heat of passion.

So in essence and for your further assurances or peace-of-mind, I am one of the cleanest, most hygienic men you will ever met on the outside as well as the inside in terms of bathing cleanliness, personal grooming, oral hygiene and sexual health.

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